MPI – Process Started Regarding Change of Marketplace

Hoersholm, May 3 2016 – Medical Prognosis Institute A/S (MPI.CO) announces that the company has initiated a process for change of marketplace from Nasdaq Copenhagen First North to Nasdaq Stockholm First North.

Motive for planned Change of Marketplace
Since October 2013, MPI has been listed in Nasdaq Copenhagen First North. The company board has evaluated a change of marketplace in order to enable increased future trading of the stock shares in a more active marketplace, where flow of capital is more abundant. With this aim, the board has been empowered at a general meeting to undergo the process of withdrawing the company’s shares from Nasdaq Copenhagen First North and instead list the shares at Nasdaq Stockholm First North.

Change of Central Securities Depository
Today, MPI shares are registered at VP Securities A/S (also known as “værdipapircentralen”).
Trading at Nasdaq Stockholm First North requires registration of MPI shares by Euroclear Sweden AB. This means shareholders wishing to trade their current MPI shares need to get them registered with Euroclear Sweden AB.

How will the move of MPI Shares be done? Action needed by Shareholders
A process has been established by MPI for a gathered transfer of MPI shares, so that existing shares can be traded at Nasdaq Stockholm First North. In order for you as a shareholder to move your shares is to contact the bank currently holding your shares. The bank should submit the acceptance form to Danske Bank for the shares to be moved. The form will be sent out to all current shareholders, and will also be available through the company’s web page (  MPI will hold the cost for this gathered transfer.

Deadline for Submitting the Acceptance Form for Transfer of Shares
The acceptance form should be send by the bank where the shareholder keeps the shares and received at Danske Bank latest by noon on Monday May 23rd, 2016. Hereafter, the transfer will be started.  Given all goes as planned, your MPI shares will be viewable in your account approximately 10 days later. After the transfer, all trading and possible dividends will be made in Swedish Kronor (SEK). During the transfer, from May 24th to June 13th, 2016, MPI shares cannot be traded.

Shareholders who do not submit the Acceptance Form for Share Transfer
Shareholders who fail to submit the form for approval of share transfer within the given the frame, will actively need to ensure a conversion afterwards to enable trading at the new stock market. Any costs linked to this process will be charged in accordance with each bank’s price list, and is to be paid by the individual shareholder who wishes to retrospectively transfer shares to Nasdaq Stockholm First North.

Conditions for MPI to be approved for trading at Nasdaq Stockholm First North
Admission for MPI to Nasdaq Stockholm First North requires approval from the market place. To comply with the demands for distribution of ownership stipulated by the market place. A minimum of 300 shareholders – alternatively 100 shareholders, in case the company has appointed a market maker – need to submit their forms for approval of stock share transfer within the given time frame for acceptance.

Planned Stop and Start for Trading at The Two Market Places
Last day of trading at Nasdaq Copenhagen First North, that is shares not moving to Stockholm, is planned to be June 10th, 2016.
First date of trading at Nasdaq Stockholm First North is planned to be June 13th, 2016.

Certified Advisor appointed for trading at Nasdaq Stockholm First North
Given the change of market place goes as planned, MPI has appointed Sedermera Fondkommission to be their Certified Advisor. Sedermera Fondkommission will begin their work for MPI as of the first trading day at Nasdaq Stockholm First North.

About MPI
Medical Prognosis is a publicly traded international company specialized in improving cancer patients lives by developing Personalized Medicine using its unique DRP(TM) technology. MPI’s exceptional opportunity to personalize cancer treatment – begins with Breast Cancer moving on to Multiple Myeloma and Prostate Cancer as the first steps. MPI’s DRP(TM) tool has shown its ability to separate patients who benefit and who do not benefit from a specific cancer treatment. This has been shown in as many as 29 out of 37 trials, and covers more than 80 anti-cancer treatments in a wide range of cancer indications. MPI has built a significant large database with over 1,000 screened breast cancer patients and is building up a database in Multiple Myeloma to be followed by Prostate cancer in collaboration with oncologists and hematologists throughout Denmark.

About MPI’s multiple biomarker called Drug Response Predictor – DRP(TM)
MPI’s DRP(TM) is a tool for developing tumor-derived genetic signatures to predict which cancer patients are high likely to respond to a given anti-cancer product. The DRP(TM) has been tested in 37 trials, where 29 trials showed that drug-specific DRP(TM) Biomarkers could predict which patients responded well to the treatment. The DRP(TM) platform has amongst others been externally validated and published in collaboration with leading statisticians at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. The DRP(TM) method can be used to design the Clinical Development Plan, i.e. to select which indications are relevant for a given   anti-cancer drug.  In addition to this, the individual genetic patterns of patients can be analyzed as part of a screening procedure for a clinical trial to ensure inclusion of patients with a high likelihood of response to the drug. DRP(TM) builds on comparison between sensitive and resistant human cancer cell lines, including genomic information from cell lines combined with clinical tumor biology and clinical correlates in a systems biology network. MicroRNA is used on certain products whereas the messengerRNA is more broadly useable and more validated. The DRP(TM) platform can be used in all cancer types, and has been patented for more than 60 anti-cancer drugs in the US.

For further information, please contact
CEO, Peter Buhl Jensen, Adjunct Professor, MD, Ph.d.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +45 21 60 89 22

Certified Advisor: Carsten Yde Hemme, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark

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