MPI increases its capital by 67,774 shares as a result of the capital increase adopted on the annual general meeting held on 24 April 2014

Hoersholm; May 23 2014 – Medical Prognosis Institute A/S (MPI) announced today that the share capital of the company has been increased by nominally DKK 67,774. 
On 24 April 2014, the Annual General Meeting of MPI resolved to increase in cash MPI’s share capital at the market price by a minimum of nominally DKK 50,000 and a maximum of nominally DKK 84,000 from nominally DKK 951,372 to a total minimum of nominally DKK 1,001,372 and a maximum of nominally DKK 1,035,372 by a direct placement without any pre-emption rights for existing shareholders. Further, the Annual General Meeting resolved to amend the company’s articles of association in accordance therewith.
The resolution was announced via First North on 24 April 2014. The deadline for paying for the new shares is today. The capital increase is made at a price of DKK 123 per share.
Today all new shares have been paid up, and the capital will be increased by nominally DKK 67,774. Proceeds to the company are DKK 8,336,202.
On 25 April 2014, it was announced that as a consequence of the exercise of warrants by employees the share capital was increased by nominally DKK 21,500, from DKK 951,372 to DKK 972,872. 
Thus, as a result of the increase of the share capital adopted between the resolution on 24 April 2014 and today, the capital is increased from nominally DKK 972,872 (and not DKK 951,372) to nominally DKK 1,040,646 (divided into shares of DKK 1 each and any multiples thereof, corresponding to a total of 1,040,646 shares and 1,040,646 votes). MPI’s articles of association is amended in accordance therewith.
The new shares are negotiable instruments, and the transferability of the new shares is not restricted. The new shares bear the same rights as the company’s existing shares, and they entitle the holder to dividend and other rights in respect of the company from the date of the registration of the capital increase with the Danish Business Authority. The new shares will be listed on First North after registration with the Danish Business Authority. 
The capital increase is expected to be finalized shortly.
For further information please contact
Peter Buhl Jensen, CEO
E-mail: [email protected]
Cell Phone: (+45) 21 60 89 22

Certified Advisor: Carsten Yde Hemme, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark

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